Washing the Karma down with Beer
One great thing about NYC is that friends are always coming into town. I met my friend Matt (from the Chicago Fleet Feet running group) out at a pub Friday night. He is on sabatical for

Here is a picture of what Matt calls a crime against beer (serving a light beer in a Guinness glass).

Later I skipped out to Brooklyn to check out Farrell's place (oh and to drink cheaply). He made me do a beer run out there which turned out to be a wild goose chase since all the deli's were either closed or didn't sell beer. The "those couples" group (Farrell & Bethany and Marshall & Me) headed out to the divest of dive bars. One was bartended by this old lady and it only sold mini bottles of beer. The night ended when Marshall had to "take a walk" which basically meant he couldn't see or walk straight.
Saturday morning came quickly. I rushed out to East Harlem to join Phil in some community service. Actually, it is this organization called Publicolor and they do paint jobs (among other things) for inner city schools. There is much mo

With the good deed under my belt, I headed off to the Kansas State / Kansas (KU) football game. The bar (Central at 9th st. & 3rd ave.) was nice enough to give us the entire upstairs and a projection screen TV. The game was almost cut prematurely short when a birthday party showed up early. Sadly the game did not fall in KSU's favor, and we blame the excessive celebrating that must have followed after the Texas win. We did put our maturity aside and started making fat jokes about the KU football coach (hey if you saw him, you would understand). Afterwards, the crowd went to one of the oldest bars in NYC. It was some kind of Irish name like Mcfaddys, Mcfedricks, Mc something. It was awesome! The waiters were all old men who shoved people aside to get thru and c

Okay, who let Matt into New York? Hey Lindsay, I moved to Seattle, in my ongoing effort to be as far away from you as possible. Miss you, Demian
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