Day one of the Thanksgiving holiday adventures. I picked up my Mom from the airport Wednesday night. We woke up bright and early (who am I kidding, her flight was delayed until 2am, so we slept in) and headed over to Broadway to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. The forecast predicited rain, and boy did it. It rained the entire day! The parade was pretty much a bust since you had to watch thru a sea of umbrellas. Also many of the floats, bands, and balloons had to cancel because of the rain and wind.

After we were soaked to the bone and frozen to the core, we headed back to my place to change for the Thanksgiving meal being hosted by Jeremy and Anna Hollembeak. My contribution to the meal was mac & cheese (any holiday meal for the Bose family is not complete without mac & cheese, seriously, we even eat it on Easter) and Lava cake. Lava cake is a little cupcake of choc cake with molten choc in the center. Well being the super (note said sarcastically) cook I am, I forgot to greese the tins and therefore the cakes were fused to the molds. Ooops, I guess it could be worse. My mother and I walked cross town to Jeremy & Anna's sweet apartment. Their place is decorated in the style of "grown up"

where as my decor of boxes for tables screams "college student". Also in attendance to the meal was my old college friend Justin McAdam who drove in from DC. This guy (drunk or sober) is a riot. After a little coaxing and a lot of Jim Bean we got him to do the infamous magic and Pepe the puppit show. He later passed out (turkey booze combo) on the couch at 5pm. I cannot describe how good and plentiful the food was. Thanks again Anna for cooking. Right when we were about to start eating, I got a call from Marshall. He sounded groggy and I asked him if he just woke up. His response....."maybe". He was still sleeping off the day before Thanksgiving drinking bonanza. He finally showed up around 4:30pm (two hours late). Note this was the meal to make the introduction to my Mom (great first impression boy). I think he was a little embarrased about it and kept quiet the rest of the meal. The meal was finished off with Nose Flutes. Strange as it sounds, the were quite fun. The nose flute is a piece of plastic you press against your nose and lips. The only two people who could carry a tune were Justin (I hear he is a real expert) and my Mom.
Later, my mother and I left to catch the 8pm broadway show Rent. Wow! I recommend this show. The soloist in the "season of love" song (the popular one about minu

tes, hours, days, etc) gave me chills. As a whole it was quite touching and the audiance gave it an immeadiate standing O. I was told to watch Roger closely since that is the role Marshall is going to try out for. I can say he is the only character who sings like a rock star and not a broadway singer. Anyway, after wiping the tears away (yes cry worthy) I checked my phone to find four messages......all from Marshall. Within the next hour, he called twice more to see if I liked the show and to dish on Roger (he was totally checking his competition). Poor boy got blotto at Jeremy and Anna's (he had black outs after seven shots of Jim Bean in an hour). He later called again at 1am and 2am to ask the same questions. My Mom thought the calls were humorous (because he was wasted drunk) but the last time he called, she asked to get on the phone and ask him to let us sleep. So ends day one.
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