If you call it, they will come...back to haunt you
Well the weekend kicked off with a flight back to Omaha. Thankfully no delays, hiccups, malfunctions, etc. This marked the first flight in several months that has departed and arrived on time. I brought back two half-full huge suitcases containing large but light Christmas gifts. Planning around two married (or practically married) couples and my flights created some creative Christmas celebration time. Luckily we were able to get everyone together at one point to exchange and unwrap presents. I am now the proud owner of a George Foreman grill (the old one broke) which is the best kitchen appliance on Earth. Seriously, I didn’t know what to do with myself after the last one went kaput. I mean I had to learn how to use a stove. In addition to the grill, I got a new digital Velcro watch. For those who know me, I cannot tell time. Seriously it takes me forever to tell time off of an analog watch and sometimes I even give the wrong time. Good old digital, cannot beat digital. And finally the last noteworthy gift is a giant, furry blue bathrobe. When I put it on, I look like the cookie monster. Maybe I should throw on the unicorn/fairy costume and be a Muppet on acid.
Three things to look forward to when visiting Nebraska: 1) family, 2) high school friends (wait all but two have moved away), and 3) Wa

Luckily I was able to catch up with the newly married Tina (a high school friend, see previous post about her wedding). The humorous part is that while we were catching up on life and town gossip, her husband and company were practicing duck calls. Imagine a conversation going “so we went to Europe for the – QUUUUUACK – moon and our flight in – QUAAAAACK – don was quite scary because the pilot had to – QUUUUAAACK – plane and ….”. All in good fun though. Wh

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