Sleep like the Dead
Here is a timeline of my last 24hrs (also imagine that beeping sound in the background from the TV series 24):
3pm – left work early and headed home
3:45pm – arrive in my hood and stop at the local ghetto McDonalds for a bag of shame (delicious crispy shame)
4:00pm – arrive home and eat my lunch
4:15pm – head to bed because I had been going on about 3-4hrs of sleep a night for the last 9 straight days. I was putting in 16hr work days (including Saturday and Sunday) so my life consisted of sleeping and working. I fall instantly asleep
9:00pm – wake up due to hunger, so I eat a bowl of cereal (I also have zero fresh food in my house due to having no free time)
9:30pm – back to bed, instantly fall asleep (again)
6:00am – awake and get ready for work
8:00am – arrive at work. Note I didn’t see anything unusual on my way to work.
8:05am – co-worker rushes over to make sure I am alive.
Now here is that story…from the Chicago Tribune:
Cops: 2 people shot on North Side
July 28, 2010 7:42 PM |
Two men were shot this evening in the Uptown neighborhood on the North Side, police said.
Police were alerted about the shooting on the XXXX block of North Magnolia Ave. at about 4:36 p.m., said Chicago Police News Affairs Sgt. Antoinette Ursitti.

A 20-year-old man was shot in the chest and a 27-year-old man was shot in the leg, said Ursitti. The two men were involved in an argument with other men who fired from a vehicle, police said.
The shooting happened about a block from Harry S. Truman College, XXXX W. Wilson Ave.
Chicago Fire Department paramedics took both men in serious condition to Advocate Illinois Masonic Hospital, said Kevin MacGregor, a fire department spokesman. Initially officials said that only one person had been hospitalized.
…and from the Uptown Update local listing:
The shooter fled by car. There are at least two cooperating witnesses, i.e., not gang bangers, who saw the car. “I saw the shooter, briefly, and the gun, but not the car.”
Now I edited out the address because it is MY address. Seriously!
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