Wednesday officially kicked off the Christmas season with the lighting of the Rockefeller center tree. Of course I didn’t see that, but sure as hell tried. Marathon Man and I tried to fight the crowds and get a glimpse of the all mighty tree.

Seriously we headed up 5th Ave from the south, and then we tried the north, and then coming in from the side on 6th Ave. At one point we went into the subway which is directly under the fucker only to be denied by some cops who had seen several dozen people try the exact same thing.

After all the wandering around, we found ourselves on 6th Ave starring at a giant big screen of Celine Dion that was a few blocks away. Love ya Celine, but you are not worth dodging traffic for.
The best view of the night came from inside the Saks Fifth Avenue building. It was pure genus on our part to sneak into the store since it is located directly across the street from the main event. We headed up to the top level and had a clear view of the tree.

We had fifteen minutes before the actual lighting, so M-Man suggested we pretend to be shopping in order to stick around in the store. Too bad the floor was lingerie! We would hold up ridiculously naughty teddies and thongs while trying to keep a straight face. Eventually the sales lady came over and kicked us out because she didn’t think we were serious shoppers. Plus I think she wanted to watch the tree lighting and did not want to deal with customers. On our way out, I fulfilled one of his adolescent fantasies by making out in the elevator. He treated me to Wendy’s afterwards….with a coupon.

One fruitful side effect of the midtown wandering was coming across the Palace hotel. If you are big Gossip Girl fan like me, you would know that Sabrina and Chuck live there. I couldn’t help being a tourist and taking pictures. If only M-Man looked like Dan or acted like Chuck. A girl can dream.
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