Project Hulkamainia

New York is the city where anything goes. My friend Gwendolyn few into town on Monday. Although she will be staying with a different friend during her “vacation”, I got custody of her for the afternoon. Here are some pi

The final highlight of the evening was Madison Square Garden, well more like the crowd at Madison Square Garden. The venue was hosting a WWF or some kind of professional wrestling show (show not athletic event because hey we hopefully all realize that it is all fake….give him the pile driver!). The best way I can describe the crowd is Country Stampede (for those Kansas friends of mine) mixed with Halloween. Here is one example of a true Hulk Hogan fan. It was so hard to get a picture of her without looking obvious, so I had Gwendolyn fake looking at the Madison Square Garden sign and I pretended to take a picture of it. Too bad the woman covered up her super t-shirt at the last second. I miss the Ultimate Warrior.

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