KSU Germanfest
Saturday was chocked full of stuff, so hopefully I can do it justice. The day started with the KSU vs Marsall football game watch party at a bar on the upper east side (I have been hanging out in that area a lot lately). Beforehand, I knew one person (Kellee Miller - one half of the Miller twins) who would be there. Thankfully, there were three other unexpected friendly faces there when I arrived. Yeah, I am not alone here. Anyway we watched the game (fyi KSU won) and the whole group headed out to a German bar at 7th st & C (East Village / Alphabet soup neighborhood). I guess Saturday was the first day of Octoberfest in Munich (hmm little early I think). The place was full of German (or at least German speaking) people in leiderhousen (sp) and other traditional clothing. I took a picture of two little kids because they looked so cute in their costumes. Anyway, we were drinking from steins and singing along to the German songs (actually I just bobbed up and down and only chimed in on 99 red balloons). I saw the cutest, most wholesome looking guy enter the bar (very similar looking to Andy Rodick the tennis player). I turned to my college friend Abrey (same sorority) and told her I wanted to hunt him (me being the man preditor that I am). Well I should not have said that to her because she is one of the most spontaneous and outgoing people I know. Pretty soon, she zoomed off towards him with me in tow. She tapped him on the should

Back to the story........A window of opportunity opened when I could be alone with Lindsey (the guy). I had to leave around 6pm to change and get ready for a Housewarming party being thrown by Hillary (a friend of a friends). I was using the party to meet people in the city. His friends had finally arrived at Penn Station and we decided to share a cab since the train station is on the way to my apartment. My KSU friends were telling me to seal the deal (still in cheerleading football like form) so I racked my brain for an excuse to kiss the boy (how bizzare would that be to kiss someone with the same name...vain but interesting). We were a block away from the station when I blurted out "would it be wrong if I asked for a good night kiss" (hey I had to do something since this boy was timid as a lamb). Yeah!!!!!! I have still got it. Hopefully I'll have more Lindsay/Lindsey stories to share later.
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