An open letter to my readers...
A quick and dirty recap since last time I wrote…a month ago. The opening theme for many of recent posts has been apologies for not posting often. Yeah I roll my eyes at professional bloggers that I follow when they take two days to post. TWO DAYS! Humph. The good news is that my life has been busy…good busy…meaning I have had less time to fucking write. Now that the weather has cooled off (for Chicagoans that means we lock ourselves inside wrapped up in down comforters and fuzzy socks…from November till March…Chicago weather sucks) I can pick up my indoor activities.
Man my October was busy. The first weekend was painting my condo. It was just two rooms, but I had talked about painting these two rooms for the better part of two years. I even picked out the colors a year ago. Yep, that is taking procrastination to a whole new level. The first room was one I painted when I first bought the place around 6 years ago. It is the living room and the largest space in my entire apartment. Well I painted it my favorite shade of blue (a really bright royal blue). After being surrounded by four large BLUE walls, I determined it was way too much fucking blue. Plus the connecting foyer is painted red and white, yet it wasn’t until a visit said “man you sure are patriotic” that I realized the fourth of July had vomited in my condo (many of my decorations are stars…like fireworks). The blue had to go. I painted two of the walls a pale grey/beige color (trust me it so works). I called around for professional painter quotes, but in the end I decided to pull the boyfriend card and force Jewed Law to paint it with me. Call me cheap (and racist), but I was able to give two Mexican guys $50 to paint the same room six years ago. Now the craig’s list painters won’t touch the place for less than $200. Damn inflation! Frankly it wasn’t all that hard as we were able to finish the two rooms in ten short hours (and one hilarious paint splattered trip to McDonalds).
The next weekend my Mom came in town for one of her two annual Chicago visits.

Two days later, I flew down to Austin Texas for my girl Dana’s 30th birthday.

Rounding out the month was Halloween, my favorite holiday (followed closely by the day after Halloween when candy is ½ priced). Again a separate post but I

Okay, in all October was a Hella busy sorry for not posting you blog Nazis! I do vow to do a better job now that there is nothing left at the apartment to distract me…besides the two baby blankets I need to crochet or repairing the sink stopper I may have yanked out with a banshee wad of hair.
Miss you much,
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