Just like alpha-z's, we are spreading disease
Okay the non-greek out there will probably be a bit befuddled with the title. Actually, only sorority girls from KSU will get the joke. Every sorority house had a certain stereotype (well besides being rich bitches) and our house (nick named the nun house because 1. we held a weekly bible study and 2. we stayed in a convent back in the 1950’s when the house burnt down or was under renovation….whatever…was I really in a sorority…ahhh the mistakes of adolescence) made up a song dissing all of the other houses (yes we are all bitches, catty catty evil bitches). One line said “no we are not Alpha-Z’s as anyone can see, because we don’t poof our hair and we don’t spread disease”. Quite catchy and I wish I remembered more of the slanderous song. Anyway, I have gone on way too long about an offshoot. The theme is spreading disease, and what a better way to do it than with a BEER BONG. Not just any beer bong, but one made out of a skull and spine! I met Ali and his friend (Max?) out at Doc Holidays Saturday night. The bar was packed, granted it was 2am on a Saturday night,

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