Sunday, March 21, 2010

Back Story

I’ve been putting off writing this post for a while. If I don’t write it, then it really didn’t happen right. Over a month ago, someone wonderful broke off things with me. Things started off with him chasing me, sending me text messages 20 minutes after a date thanking me for such a wonderful time. Going out of his way to impress me or pamper me. After a few months, the tables turned and I was the one who would look forward to his calls. He ended things well and in a courteous manner, and I cannot be mad at him. Some things he said did make me think. For instance, we never had a single fight and he thought that was strange. In fact there was never anything to disagree upon. Is everyone so programmed to think that relationships need conflict, that things aren’t right unless something is wrong? He also said I was a catch and that it would be no time before someone else took notice. Now I’ve heard this before. Some eHarmony guys asked my why a girl like me is still single (don’t worry, I gave that up after three months and will NEVER go back to online dating). I honestly don’t know. What am I doing wrong? I continue to chew on this question.
In a twist of fate, not long after the heartbreak, I won the superbowl squares pool money at work. Now I have entered into this pool every year (never more than $10) and have never won anything. Sure enough, I win the big prize. Maybe it was God’s way of apologizing for shitting on me.
In other funny news, I think one of the eHarmony guys found my blog and has been keeping tabs on me (hello stalker). I think I posted the quick notice about my newly single status on a Saturday. On Sunday, I received an email from him asking me what I was up to and if I would interested in getting a drink together. Ha, God sure has a sense of humor.
Editor's Note: After posting this, I have received another email from a different eHarm guy.


At 4:52 PM, Blogger brandy said...

Well, I gotta speak up on the Eharmony issue....I know, I know, it's cheesy and those blue and white commercials do get old...BUT it does work sometimes. :)

And coming from me, you are a great catch Lindsay!!!

Love ya girl!
Brandy :)


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